вторник, 10 септември 2013 г.

Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Spreading Across The Pacific Ocean?

Lately you may have been seeing some “radiation” maps from NOAA showing what is supposed to be the Nuclear Radiation that has spread across the globe. But is that really the correct information about the Fukushima nuclear radiation spreading across the Pacific Ocean? These maps seemed familiar to me, so I looked a little deeper into what they were. I also thought that it was a little odd that the maps only showed the radiation over the ocean, as if air sampling was not possible over land, or that NOAA didn’t care to report it.

Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Spreading Across The Pacific Ocean?

Here is a version of the map that has been circulating the web, along with the hype that this is the radioactive Cesium leaking out of the Fukushima reactor over the last 2 years:
Fukushima NOAA Radiation Plume?
Fukushima NOAA Radiation Plume?
I looked back through some older images from NOAA that helped me identify that my “hunch” was correct. While I am not trying to disprove that the world’s governments are trying to cover up this ecological disaster, I would at least like to shed some light on the “evidence” that is being reported elsewhere. It is still most likely that the Fukushima reactor leaked enough harmful radiation into the atmosphere to spread across the Pacific Ocean in measurable amounts. You may recall the desperate attempts in the days following the 2011 tsunami that struck the Eastern coast of Japan. Helicopters attempted to poor sea water onto the open reactor to prevent it from overheating any further, meanwhile deadly radiation levels leaked carelessly out of the damaged facility.
Now take a look at this map below, from a different perspective. This map was the Tsunami Wave Height predictive index set out by NOAA prior to the tsunami landing on the shores of Japan. You will notice the same exact pattern and colors used. Also notice on the other map that the Legend is also in (CM) Centimeters. Do they even measure nuclear radiation in Centimeters? Most maps would also contain a title, so that we would be able to understand the context of the map as well.
Either someone out there misread the above map, or they intentionally are spreading it with misinformation in hopes of furthering their cause for spreading panic. While there is truth to the radiation leak and it spreading across the Pacific, it probably does not reach quite as far as the map suggests, and would also not conveniently stop once it reaches land.
2011 Japan Tsunami Wave Height
2011 Japan Tsunami Wave Height
Notice that even though the above map is a 3D satellite map, it’s legend is in the same 0-240 cm scale as the 2D map up top. Also, the coloring and patterns match up perfectly with the 2D map as well. When taking in a map as evidence, be sure to check all of the relevant information available on the map to tell what it is illustrating. Do you still think that the map circulating the Internet is really showing the Fukushima nuclear radiation spreading across the Pacific Ocean?

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